Free IQ Test with Instant Result 2021

If you’re looking for a good IQ test that’s entirely free and that doesn’t require any registration to get your result then you’ve come to the right place. Not only will you get your result quickly, you’ll also get a clear assessment over your intelligence and in which areas you can improve.

When you finish your test you’ll be able to get a good assessment based on your intelligence and you’ll see a list of possible occupations and what statistics will predict from your life.

What is an IQ test?

IQ stands for intelligence quotient. But what is it? It’s an instrument that tries to measure the intelligence in an understandable and standardized way. It was originally created to identify children who were gifted so that schools could accommodate for their potential.

IQ testing isn’t foolproof, it’s just an estimate and factors like sleep, diet, physical activity could heavily sway your results on testing day – therefore it’s best to sleep for a normal amount, eat healthy and try to get some exercise before testing your intelligence.

How do IQ tests work?

There are different IQ tests out there, the online tests you see on our website for example takes between 10-40 minutes and have a 95-98% precision. Most online IQ tests use a mix of verbal, logical and spatial questions and based on how many questions you get correct you’ll get a result with your IQ.

Professional IQ tests can take anywhere between 1 hour and 4 hours and must be administered by a licensed psychologist. These tests have higher precision, are expensive to take and are usually only administered when doing a medical investigation (to get a mental diagnosis for example).

Almost all IQ tests use what’s called a bell curve model. (see picture below).

bell curve iq test
iq distribution in general population

A bell curve will sort people within different “standard deviations”. A standard deviation, as you can see on the picture as “σ” will gather the scores from a test. The people that scored the absolute best (the 0.1%) will get placed in the 3σ and will have an IQ of approximately 130-140 – whilst the people that score the poorest will be put in the other 0.1% (the -3σ) and have an IQ of roughly 60-80 (depending on the test).

The drawbacks on using the bell curve model is that it’s not really measuring intelligence, it’s measuring how your intelligence compares to your peers. Even though people have gotten smarter in the last 100 years (IQ has risen dramatically) – the average score on an IQ test will always be 100, this is because the IQ test doesn’t measure intelligence from the 2021 human and the 1921 human.

What’s a good IQ?

This is of course very subjective, for some people a good IQ will be 120, while others deem a 140 IQ to be “good”.
The average IQ is 100, anything above that could be deemed good (because it’s better than average). We’ve produced a table that’ll show the approximate rankings of different scores.

140-160Incredibly intelligent
120-140Highly intelligent
110-120Above average intelligence
90-110Average intelligence
80-90Below average intelligence
65-80Severely low intelligence
-65Mentally challenged

Can I increase my IQ?

There are many ways to increase and otherwise improve your intelligence. If you’re just looking for increasing your score on an IQ-test then doing the same test over and over again will prove beneficial, but if you’re looking to actually increase your intelligence and improve your ability to learn, make decisions, etc then you’ll see that there are fewer options. Here’s a compiled list of everything you can do to actually increase your intelligence in 2021.

What types of intelligence are there?

There are 8 types of intelligences in homo sapiens (according to Howard Gardners research)

  • Visual-Aesthetic learners think in terms of physical space and like to “read” or visualize their words. 
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic learners are keenly aware of their physical bodies and like creative movement and making things with their hands. 
  • Musical learners are sensitive to all kinds of sound and often access learning through or from music, however, one may define it. 
  • Intrapersonal learners are introspective and reflective. They learn through independent study and self-guided experiences. 
  • Interpersonal learners learn through social interaction with others and enjoy group dynamics, collaboration, and encounters.
  • Linguistic learners love language and words and enjoy learning through verbal expression.
  • Logical-Mathematical learners think conceptually, logically, and mathematically about the world and enjoy exploring patterns and relationships. 

In the mid-1990s, Gardner added an eighth intelligence: 

  • Naturalistic learners have a sensitivity to the natural world and can easily relate to plant and animal life, enjoying patterns found in the environment. 

How reliable are IQ tests?

The reliability of IQ-tests differ based on method and which version of IQ-test that is used. Reliability measures the consistency of the test and most online IQ-tests actually fail in a scientific reliability test, mostly because it’s difficult and expensive to create an IQ test and producing quicker and faster Buzzfeed esq quizzes drives more ad revenue to sites. The IQ-test on this site actually uses machine learning to accurately predict your IQ (up to 98.6% accuracy if you take the longer version and up to 97.2% accuracy if you take the shorter version).

The IQ-test on this site is fluid, which means that the scoring system changes based on the scores saved in our database. Because our test uses a bell curve we conduct daily redistributions of IQ-scores, something that’s unique to our test and which ensures that validity of our test compared to others online.

How do different IQ’s reason and think?

It can be difficult to understand how different IQ-levels think and reason. It’s crucial in building up an IQ-test to get a good understanding of how cognitive functions differ and what differences in thinking and reasoning there are between people with different IQs.

Even though all people are different and intelligence isn’t something innate of a concept (it’s made up by humans), there are still ways to understand how people of varying intelligence think.

How people with lower intelligence tends to think:

  • They rely on emotion in decision making and have a harder time distancing themselves from an issue to logically make a decision.
  • They tend to not second guess themselves nearly as much as people with higher intelligence.
  • They don’t question their own aggression and have difficulties seeing consequences
  • Difficulties in spotting patterns
  • External locus of control (believe that failures are because of external reasons and that they themselves can’t control situations)

How people with higher intelligence tends to think:

  • They understand their limits better and are able to let go of pride when assessing a situation
  • Consider different perspectives
  • Tend to have more working memory, and thus can think faster which enables them to problem solve quicker
  • Systems thinking is easier and grasping large, complex systems are easier for the highly intelligent person

Why should you care about IQ?

It’s easy to discount IQ-tests as only testing participants ability to solve the very specific questions in front of them and that the score on the test isn’t relevant to the real world. After all, there’s a lot of people out there that don’t believe in IQ testing at all.

But the research is strong when it comes to the effectiveness of using intelligence testing, but what matters is what it’s used for. There’s really no reason to test intelligence unless you have a reason to. If you’re planning on using intelligence tests to identify students that’re either in the risk zone (very low IQ) or that have a very high IQ (need more attention/challenging workload) then that’s an excellent reason to use intelligence tests.

If you’re someone who wants to know their baseline intelligence because your objective is to improve your overall intelligence in order to get into a difficult school or to have an easier time at work then it’s also a valid reason for testing intelligence.

Can your IQ change over time?

Your intelligence changes over time, that’s for sure – when you’re in your late 20s and early 30s you’re at your peak intelligence (working memory and fluid intelligence) when you’ve passed this age your slowly start to lose brain power. However there’s this thing called crystallized intelligence (“crystallized intelligence refers to the accumulation of knowledge, facts, and skills that are acquired throughout life.”).

Crystallized intelligence is constantly evolving and peaks at nearly 80 years old. So your intelligence will change as you age, being able to quickly learn new things will be more difficult but you’ll have more knowledge which you can apply – so all in all you’re going to have roughly the same IQ your entire life (as long as you lead a healthy lifestyle and isn’t affected by any serious disease).